Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Computer problems??

I have not had a chance to mention this yet however I had these amazing dudes come over and fix my new/second-hand computer and have never had such a great, frustration-free experience with computer techs. If any of you out there need some help at home, they are 2 young entrepreneurs that know. their. shit. Check out The main guys name it Mitchell Polsky and his number is 514-295-8373. He will sort you out!

Now back to Habs, had a great time working the game last night and got a much better show than I think anyone expected. Sergie Kostitsyn was unbelievable, and imagin what could happen if he starts shooting instead of passing! Its really difficult to think of the potential of this team if they continue to keep it simple and play the system that seems to be working for them. I get the impression that they have out the blinders on some of the players media-wise, which although it sucks for us might be a great idea. Lately it is pretty slim pickins when they open up the locker room doors so there could be some players that are being kept out of the media spotlight.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Friken ICE.

So I came to work in my car today and I am going home on foot. Why you ask? Because once again, through no fault of my own my car is damaged. Get this: Ice fell off the roof in the back of THE TEAM 990 building and just happened to hit MY car and crash through my back window. Lovely no? Its official. My car is cursed.

Anyhoo, more importantly I had my first interview in french this weekend on Radio- Canada for International Womens Day! It was super fun and I think (hope) I held my own so a big thanks to Jason Cavallaro and Alexandre Coupal for thinking of me and inviting me on to their Satellite show!

The week off was wonderful, got to see some family, go snowboarding and watch A LOT of Dexter. Check it out if you are hard up for some good TV.

I'll write more soon with all me awards selections. One I don't have to think about is rookie of the year who I think has to be Patrick Kane.