Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Computer problems??
Now back to Habs, had a great time working the game last night and got a much better show than I think anyone expected. Sergie Kostitsyn was unbelievable, and imagin what could happen if he starts shooting instead of passing! Its really difficult to think of the potential of this team if they continue to keep it simple and play the system that seems to be working for them. I get the impression that they have out the blinders on some of the players media-wise, which although it sucks for us might be a great idea. Lately it is pretty slim pickins when they open up the locker room doors so there could be some players that are being kept out of the media spotlight.
Monday, March 10, 2008
Friken ICE.
Anyhoo, more importantly I had my first interview in french this weekend on Radio- Canada for International Womens Day! It was super fun and I think (hope) I held my own so a big thanks to Jason Cavallaro and Alexandre Coupal for thinking of me and inviting me on to their Satellite show!
The week off was wonderful, got to see some family, go snowboarding and watch A LOT of Dexter. Check it out if you are hard up for some good TV.
I'll write more soon with all me awards selections. One I don't have to think about is rookie of the year who I think has to be Patrick Kane.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Habs reporters have a collective heart attack
Should be interesting to see what will fall after this one went through as Hossa was no doubt a first choice for many who will now move on to the other irons in the fire.
Hossa and Pascal Dupuis go to Pittsburgh for Angelo Esposito, Colby Armstrong Erik Christensen and a 1st round pick.
Huet on his way out
Cristobal Huet on his way to Washington for a 2nd round pick.....I was expecting Huet to move since they gave the reins to Price for tonight despite his loss on Sat.
Blogging from the Bell center
There is a small possibility that we may find something out about 30 seconds before it makes it on TSN TRADEWATCH but short of sneaking around the Bell center basement and trying to figure out if Marion Hossa's equipment has been moved locker rooms there is not too much going on. Wade Belak has been traded to the Panthers for a 5th round pick. Whoop de doo.
So far the prevailing rumor is that Hossa is coming to Habs for Ryder, Grabovski- who was called up today- and Lapierre.
ok back to eavesdropping and snooping.
quick note: habs were told to stay away from Bell center till 5 but I just saw Chris Higgins and Josh Georges kicking around a soccer ball and getting ready to do some light work outs.
Marian Hossa is also staying away apparently chilling in his hotel room having a late breakfast.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
My Take
A) I would never let my purse out of my sight while out a a busy nightclub and any chick that does, pretty much deserves to have it stolen.
B) Grand theft? Are you serious? Consider the effect this may have on O'Byrne's life. Is it worth ruining someones career because some slag cant keep track of her purse and some drunken hockey player decided to play a prank on her?
C) The fact that they have been lambasted in the media for being out at - heavens no! 3 am!! Anyone up on their high horse should remember that, they were not playing the next day and this was the tail end of their rookie dinner which is supposed to be a partay- Yes. Obviously things got a little out of hand but who hasn't had a few too many IN THEIR EARLY 20'S and woken up with a pile of regrets the following morning. Wait is that just me? And what better time to tie one on than following a 6-1 loss at the hands of the league leading Sens. If that is not a reason to drink I don't know what is.
Anyhoo Moving on! Richard Zednik remains in intensive care today after Ollie Jokinen's skate severed an artery in his neck on Sunday. Crazy, crazy injury. Thank God he is ok, I for one do not want to witness a death on the ice. However if players and decision makers continue to macho themselves into dangerous situations this could become reality. I don't mean to imply that this is the fault of Zednik or Jokinen however I can't figure out with the speed of todays game that there are still really simple safety precautions that are not being put into place. Visors for one seem to carry with them a connotation of wimpy-ness. Thank you Don Cherry. What is wimpy about not wanting to go through the rest of your life blinded or worse? And trust me, I like fighting in hockey, when it is spontaneous and for an actual reason. Heres an idea: wip off the helmet if you want to fight. Couple it with dropping the gloves.
Granted the visor would not have helped Zednik in this situation but a neck guard would have. Obviously we need to start re-thinking hockey equipment if we are serious about keeping the players safe.
Friday, February 1, 2008
How do I love Ovechkin?
1: Sexy Ugly.
2: How he starts the game with a big open ice hit to Steve Begin. like saying 'hello, my name is Ovechkin, not only will I undress multiple defensemen but I'll also take on the grinders.'
3: How he uses the opponents players as a screen before ripping and impossible slapshot, from an impossible angle to an impossible corner.
4: How he can somehow be a finesse player but also register 5 teeth rattling hits against players of Komisarek's stature.
5: How he seems to find space on the ice when there shouldn't be any.
6: How he never gives up and manages to be a threat ever second hes on the ice.
7: How he considers it a special day because he got stitches AND broke his nose. Oh ya and he scored 4 goals in a game. For the second time this season. And also registered and assist.
8: How his boyish enthusiasm does not seem at all affected by a monstrous contract.
9: How he glams up his outfit with Yellow laces and a tinted visor.
10: How even though he is speaking another language you can tell that he has a great sense of humor.
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Habs v. Blackhawks and Female Presidents

Switching gears completely- Now I am not American but am I the only one sick of hearing the debate - Is America ready for a female president or is America ready for a Black president? (Although we hear the latter less as its more acceptable to be completely sexist than racist these days) How about this Americans? Why not try electing someone for their values and platforms that you think will be able to turn around the frikken mess you find yourself in after letting someone who makes Paris Hilton look like a MENSA member run your country for the past 7 years? If you think that they can get the job done and have some brains and hopefully some understanding of the world outside the United States who cares if it's a woman, man, trans gender- aren't you looking a bit deeper than this? It's the dumbest question ever but I do love seeing media types discuss it while trying to avoid sounding blatantly sexist. Men and women by the way.
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
New Years Resolutions anyone??
Fist of legend – Jet Li
Ghost Dog- Director/Writer Jim Jarmusch is definitely not for everyone but if you like RZA the soundtrack alone will blow your mind and the movie is damn cool.
Down By Law-Another Jarmusch masterpiece- Tom Waits and Roberto Benigni in one of the funniest films I have ever seen.
Sexy Beast- Great gangster flick- Ben Kingsley most intimidating tiny gangster.
Top Gun- I'm sorry I have to include it on every list. Know it by heart- I used to want to fly fighter jets and did 3 years of Air Cadets. Also my cousin is a pilot and sent me THIS which you really have to check out.
Feel free to add to the list!!! And now time to get back to sports.